Wednesday, August 30, 2006


good morning, dear ones! sometimes, i really like lists. there are so many lists i could share with you - the things i like about my neighborhood, good things about my job, cities in which i'd like to live, countries i would most like to visit, my to-do list for the day, ways to celebrate labor day weekend...i suppose all of that could be a little self-abosorbed, though. of course, most blogging is somewhat self-absorbed, so maybe i should just go with it. instead, though, i'll ask y'all for a list. i've been trying to find a good book to read before i go to bed, and i have little interest in the ones i already have. any suggestions? (i'm looking for smart fiction - nothing too dumb, but not too intense, either) i'm going to the library around lunch today. make my list for me, please! happy wednesday!


At 8/30/2006 12:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ludlum's classic Bourne trilogy. Smart, sophisticated.

At 8/30/2006 12:58:00 PM, Blogger Karen said...

i really liked Ender's Game and the other books in that group (trilogy? i'm not sure). it's science fiction but REALLY good -even if you're not into sci fi.

i would however, like to read a list of things you like about your neighborhood. :)

At 8/30/2006 01:52:00 PM, Blogger nikkip said...

the birth of venus is wonderful. i also recently enjoy dry. i think a may be a little late for your lunch library visit, though.

At 8/30/2006 03:32:00 PM, Blogger Andy Whitman said...

"Selected Stories" by Alice Munro. Smart and beautifully written. Plus, they're all in 20 - 30 page bedtime-reading chunks.


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