Sunday, February 27, 2005


i'm still here. our caseloads are up to 24 these days, not leaving much time to blog at work. then i make plans to write lots and post from panera in the evening, but it's just so much nicer to stay at home in front of the fire instead of going out into the dark... but here i am again, writing from the stetler's house after our weekly lenten gathering. let's see...we went to the cat shelter today to find a friend for blaze, but left without a new pet. maybe i can still convince daniel that another dog is a better idea... in fact, sharon and i are so busy picking out our next dog right now that i'll have to get back to you tomorrow...


At 3/04/2005 03:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy 6 Months of Marriage today!!

I love you guys =)

At 3/04/2005 03:38:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[p.s. oops. This is Bekah]


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