Tuesday, November 02, 2004


this is why i am voting.


At 11/03/2004 10:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why stand for anything? and why live in the united states, then? how about starting your own pacifist country somewhere in the south pacific? all kidding aside, it just sounds a bit idealistic to me. jesus stood for many things and made efforts to change the wrong thinking of many people. as citizens of the united states, voting is one of the ways in which we are able to do the same.
-you don't know me

At 11/04/2004 08:11:00 AM, Blogger amy said...

um, did you miss the part where i said i was voting? in fact, maintaining separation of church and state is exactly why i didn't vote for bush.


At 11/04/2004 08:14:00 AM, Blogger amy said...

or, rather, why i voted against bush.


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