Monday, August 23, 2004


i need a new fuel pump. one of my best friends at work got fired today in a situation that just makes me feel ill. i haven't been able to really sleep for the past two nights, even though i've gone to bed for eight hours each night. aargh. i think i need a cup of tension tamer tea.


At 8/24/2004 08:16:00 AM, Blogger John McCollum said...

You need a new fuel pump?

Ugh. And I hear your car is having problems, too!

When it rains it pours.

I'll pray for you and the soon-to-be Mr. Eversole-Fox.


At 9/10/2004 12:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear lady,
i only hope that you are checking this down in regaee land, well when you arent smoking the green and sipping on tropical drinks...(tsk tsk)
I have been trying ot think of a way to contact you and so i googled you thining id find an email address. instead of find your blog :)
this is alyssa, your dear work friend.
but im afraid that i have been a very bad friend as of late.
im sure you didnt even notice with all that was going on, seeing as it was your WEDDING(!!!!!!) but i was missing.
when i spoke to you at work i had heard "oakland, just north of lane." and so that very day i get up get ready and head up to oakland...
well as im searching and searching for some sort of menedite church, i ask the bums, the college kids, and everyone is like meni--what? huh? whats that? who is this stange girl with big sunglasses?
There was obviously nothing to be found on Oakland. Finally i think to myself, what in the world? where did she send me....and it comes to me.
oakland PARK.
ah yes.
further north, far far north. and i zoom off down high.
and i am late. and scared to walk into some strange place, late. and alone. and scared.
so i go up to oakland PARK and kinda scope it out.
i find the church, right up there, just east of high like you said. and i scope it out more.
i decided to kinda wait around and see if people will come out becuase by this time your little tea party was probably happening, and I thought, "now theres a time to amke an entrance, at least I will get to congratulate them, even if i did miss the whole purpose of the day."
But i didnt see anyone and i got scared stalking the church and so i left.
and so you see.
this was my day.
and i was so sad and mad bc i had been looking forward to celerating your day with you and daniel (although I have never met him). I was sad becuase I knew if you had by some chance noticed me missing, you would wonder why I didnt come and maybe be sad or mad and wonder what kind of person i really was bc i had been telling you how excited i was to meet your friends and join in your fun and then i didnt even show up.
I wanted to find some way to let you know that i had been trying to get there but sometimes, sometimes this is my life.
and anyway I was thinking of you and daniel and your commitment...I wanted to apologize but also to say ocngratulations. Im so very happy for you and Daniel and I wish you all the luck.
I cant wait til you get back and you can show me all the beautiful picutres and tell me all the stories of your honeymoon (g rated please).
Have a safe and happy trip lil one and I will see you in a bit!
til then....


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