daniel and i went to see "farenheit 9/11" last night. regardless of your political leanings, go see it! although michael moore's bias against the war is clear, he does a pretty good job of looking at a lot of the complex sides of the issue, and i left with the feeling that moore really does love america. i also left more ready than ever to move to another country... i've so ready to go overseas lately. it's like an annoying cough that won't go away! i found out this week that england has such a shortage of social workers that they are recuriting internationally, and with my experience, i could make about $20,000 more a year in london than i do here. but that would mean putting off grad school, which would mean putting off going to a country that we really want to live in, like india or south africa...so. we will keep dreaming, we will get married, and we will get a base for our lives here in columbus for awhile. in the meantime, daniel and i are going to goshen this weekend so that he can see where i grew up and meet my circle of friends who all have roots there - it's one of the few times that we'll all be in town from l.a., chicago, indianapolis, columbus, elkhart and michigan. blaze is staying with daniel's mom. his little sister, megan, is so excited to take care of blaze, and i think blaze will like the attention and fenced in yard and companionship of their dog. meanwhile, we get to exchange ideas with some of my oldest friends - these are people who love to think, and who i learned to think with, to some degree...plus, daniel gets to see amish country! i must shower now.
la chica gozosa
"the world owes me nothing. we owe each other the world" (a.d.)
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