yay - i got a job today! after stressing out for the past few weeks, i got the job that i really wanted. now it's just the details of setting up paperwork time with the human resources lady. i should be able to start next week. i can't even begin to tell you how relieved i'm feeling. not only did i really like the people i interviewed with at this place, but it's also doing a job i've done before and know that i enjoy and will find to be a challenge (in a good way). also, i'll be making more money than i ever have, which will be good for ridding myself of debt and building a bit more stability....i'll be working for the buckeye ranch doing ongoing case management for franklin county as a contracted worker. that means i'll get to keep doing home visits (which i love), go to court a lot (which i love) and collaborate with other professionals a lot (which i love). whew. i will also be able to afford groceries. in other news, i dropped my laptop last night, and apparently broke the backlight. aargh. how much does it cost to replace an ibook screen?
la chica gozosa
"the world owes me nothing. we owe each other the world" (a.d.)
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