Tuesday, March 30, 2004


yay - i got a job today! after stressing out for the past few weeks, i got the job that i really wanted. now it's just the details of setting up paperwork time with the human resources lady. i should be able to start next week. i can't even begin to tell you how relieved i'm feeling. not only did i really like the people i interviewed with at this place, but it's also doing a job i've done before and know that i enjoy and will find to be a challenge (in a good way). also, i'll be making more money than i ever have, which will be good for ridding myself of debt and building a bit more stability....i'll be working for the buckeye ranch doing ongoing case management for franklin county as a contracted worker. that means i'll get to keep doing home visits (which i love), go to court a lot (which i love) and collaborate with other professionals a lot (which i love). whew. i will also be able to afford groceries. in other news, i dropped my laptop last night, and apparently broke the backlight. aargh. how much does it cost to replace an ibook screen?


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