Friday, March 12, 2004


happy friday, dear ones! happy belated birthday to chelsea!, happy 30th birthday to mike g.! people like quizzes. people get passionate about politics. if only we were as passionate about loving each other. i am starting to move some of my things to columbus this weekend, which makes it all seem more official. actually, the fact that daniel and i are building an actual life together becomes more and more real all the time. the concept of "leaving and cleaving" is one that requires a shift in thinking. for the first time in my life i'm realizing what it means to make my relationship with this man the one human relationship that i must protect and nurture above all of my other human relationships. that's a hard one for me, because i like to please people and love as many people as i can all at once. the thing is, this relationship empowers me to love others more. but it is also the one that takes ultimate priority. crazy stuff. refining stuff. very cool stuff. in other cool stuff...i had an interview at the buckeye ranch in columbus yesterday that seemed to go well. now it's just the waiting process for both agencies to get my references cleared... i am going to go pack now.


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