Thursday, November 06, 2003


oi. this is not one of my better days. i started getting a sore throat last night, and this morning it's turned into a full-blown, snotty cold. it's rainy and cold, too, and the drivers on the highway were just annoying. i'm tired and grumpy, and trying to figure out if i've made a mistake by breaking up with my boyfriend. argh. but maya angelou says that a joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart. so. some things i'm grateful for today: 1. green tea with just the right amount of honey and cream 2. cigarettes with no addtives (yes, smoking is a bad habit, but today i'm grateful for it.) 3. non-drowsy cold-medicine 4. warm corduroys seems everything i'm grateful for today has to do with basic, physical needs. maslow's hierarchy, anyone? ;-) happy day, all!


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