Monday, October 13, 2003


thinking about freedom and new beginnings this morning, or perhaps a return to old friend angie read my blog last week, and told me that she "got the image of a caterpillar coming out of its cocoon and trying to experience the freedom of wings..." this was especially encouraging, as i'm realizing more and more how much i haven't lived in true freedom in the past year. i feel like the past days have been saturating me with a renewed vision for my gifts, my potential, my ability to lead, etc. those gifts - like the gifts of all of us - require responsibility, and i think i just wanted to take some time with no responsibility for awhile. but now the possibilities are nudging me awake again, getting ready to sweep me up into a tidal wave, carrying me to the next height...does this make any sense to anyone?? at the same time, i feel the struggle within myself to stick to the comfortable patterns and relationships. but it's getting a little easier to say "no" to those things. i think it's essential, though, to remember to show ourselves mercy when we do say yes to the less healthy... this was a good weekend. i spent most of my time either with good friends or in my home, attempting to reduce the chaos and clutter. it's winter, and i'm nesting! i cleaned and organized, and made two curries and a cobbler to feed myself this week. chopping onions is becoming second nature! back to work for now.


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